Faces of Freedom, preserves and archives the personal histories and images of U.S. military veterans and Holocaust survivors. The personal histories are collected through in-person interviews and a photo session. Each interview is used to create a biography that captures their recollections of their time in the military, as well as their memories of their childhood, their life after the military and what it meant to each of them to be part of something bigger than themselves and to be in the service of others. Each veteran has received a matted and framed black and white photo and a copy of their story as they told it.
As of 2023, there were 18 million veterans in the U.S. That 7% of the US population has made sacrifices so the other 93%, the civilians, can go about enjoying their lives in peace and freedom. This will give you some insight into the Americans who have selflessly provided the blanket of freedom we wrap ourselves in each night.
Only 10% of military personnel see combat, but every veterans has a story. We want to tell your story and save it for generations to come.
"A picture's worth a thousand words but you can't see what those shades of gray keep covered. You should've seen it in color." In Color by Jamey Johnson
Faces of Freedom is a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization.